What comes first in a home remodel?

The Right Order: Steps to Take in a Home Remodel

Home remodeling can be a daunting task, especially if you’re unsure about where to start. But with the right approach and order of operations, your home renovation can go from a mammoth project to a manageable endeavor. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what comes first in a home remodel:

Step 1: Hire Professional Cleaning Services

"Before you even pick up a hammer, the first step in any home remodel should be to hire professional cleaning services" Steve Banks,  owner of Elite Maids, Steve Baffour. This may seem counterintuitive - after all, won’t everything just get dirty again during the renovation? However, there are several reasons why this step is crucial.

A deep clean will help you assess the condition of your home more accurately. It will reveal any hidden issues, such as mold, dust mites, or structural damage that might have been obscured by grime and dirt. Knowing these issues upfront can help you plan your remodel more effectively and prevent unexpected problems down the line.

Moreover, starting with a clean slate will make the whole process smoother. The last thing you want is for your contractors to be hindered by dust and dirt while they work.

Step 2: Plan Your Remodel

After your house is clean and shiny, it’s time to plan your remodel. Whether you’re updating your kitchen, bathroom, or the entire house, having a detailed plan will save you time, money, and headaches

Identify what changes you want to make, prioritize them, and create a realistic budget. At this stage, it’s also worth consulting with an architect or interior designer. They can provide expert advice on maximizing space, choosing materials, and ensuring your remodel aligns with building codes.

Step 3: Hire Contractors

Once you have a clear idea of what your remodel will entail, it’s time to hire contractors. Look for experienced professionals with positive reviews and ask for quotes. Be sure to communicate your vision clearly to them so they understand exactly what you’re aiming for.

Step 4: Begin Construction

With your team assembled and your plans in place, it’s time to start construction. This phase can be disruptive, but remember that it’s temporary. Keep your eyes on the prize - a beautiful, remodeled home.

Step 5: Hire a Junk Removal Company

"After the renovation is complete, there’s likely to be a fair amount of construction debris. This is where hiring a junk removal company comes into play. These professionals can quickly and efficiently haul away all the leftovers from your remodel, leaving you with a clean space to enjoy your new surroundings." Said the owner of the most trusted Tucson's Junk Removal and Disposal Company, Mateo Aguirre. "Make sure you get a quote in writing stating exactly what will be hauled away and for how much, before hiring the junk removal company" advised John Aguirre, the owner of Happy Junk Removal.

Remodeling your home is an exciting endeavor that can significantly enhance its comfort and value. By following these steps in the right order, you’ll set yourself up for success and make the process as stress-free as possible. Happy remodeling!

With all the steps mentioned, it's also important to make sure you have funding for your renovation. Look for contractors and subcontractors for jobs you don't want to do yourself. That's why experts agree that choosing to remodel the kitchen or bathroom first is traditionally the smartest decision. And while kitchen remodeling usually costs more than bathroom remodeling, they tend to offer a better return on investment, so they end up paying off in the long term.

But what improvements should you make to your kitchen and bathroom? However, before doing any work, you have to plan, hire contractors, obtain permits, and so on, all of which take time. The most important aspect of the planning process is to make sure you have enough money to pay for the project, regardless of how big or small the scope of the work is. So, the second step of planning a home remodel is to make a simple list of the work you want to do and decide if it's something you can do yourself or not. Once you've prepared your plan and chosen your contractor, it's time to start the demolition.

To make way for the new, the old must first be cleaned. This involves not only demolition but also the removal of debris, so you'll likely have to rent a large rolling container to collect the waste. This will minimize risks and mess during your demolition project and allow you to finish it as quickly, safely and smoothly as possible. If you decide to carry out the demolition work yourself, be careful and follow all safety precautions.

Demolition can be very dangerous, especially if it is carried out in a haphazard manner. Once the demolition work has been completed, the “initial process” can begin. Once all plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning upgrades have been made and approved, the time will come to tackle frame and drywall construction. Do you need an architect or interior designer on your “dream team”? Every major renovation project requires a general contractor to handle the actual construction work done.

However, some renovations need a home remodeling architect trained for technical and design services. This may include creating architectural plans for permits and approvals from the board of directors or the Department of Buildings (or their local equivalent). Some renovators hire architects to provide a level of style, detail, and management. Some believe that it is worth the expense, which is sometimes estimated at 20% of the budget.

Mario Krakowsky
Mario Krakowsky

Mario is a dedicated writer with over 15 years of experience in home remodeling, possesses an innate passion for transforming spaces and giving life to homes. His deep industry knowledge, coupled with practical insights, has made him a trusted source of inspiration for DIY enthusiasts and professional remodelers alike.